Thursday, December 22, 2005
Once, twice, three times a loser

I was lucky enough to be extended amnesty from the unlikeliest source. My ex-boyfriend. Taking pity on my dire straits in spite of a bad breakup, he offered to drive me into work this morning. It's the little things like that that almost make me wanna book a room at the Mercer for a quickie as a thank-you. But then again, I did say almost.
I now understand why his license has been suspended twice in the past. He's the most manic motorist I've ever had the misfortune of being a passenger with. After nearly sideswiping a taxi while trying to merge on Boerum Place, I temporarily had to renounce the bile-soaked aftertaste of organized religion to recite a few Hail Marys.
But thankfully, all limbs are still in tact.
Labels: New York City, transit strike

- Fresh commented at 12/22/2005 05:19:00 PM~
I LOVE that picture. By the way cheers!
- Michael commented at 12/22/2005 06:13:00 PM~
Great picture. Hi-larious entry!
- Felicite commented at 12/22/2005 09:38:00 PM~
LOL! Just tell him what I tell my fortunate drivers "I am my parents favorite child so easy on the gas pedal"
Stay safe Trini! You know I love ya!
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