Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Save a train, ride a transit worker

After OD'ing on much deprived Z's, I scrambled to hit the snooze button and check out the latest word from the newsreel. A chorus of angry picketers told the whole story before I laid eyes onto the "strike ON" graphic from WNBC. The news I had been dreading for close to a week had finally come to fruition.
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.
The bluffing days were over...the workers walked off the job at approximately 3:00 a.m. EST which meant mayhem and misery for millions of straphangers this morning as rush hour would turn into an obstacle course of the worst kind.
While my boss had already given my department a heads-up yesterday that strike or no strike, he wasn't coming in, I had two options:
- Be a trooper and forge ahead with my personal contingency plan to make it into Lower Manhattan come hell or high water
- Stay under my warm covers with a mug of chai tea watching the events unfold from the comfort of my home
However, I can't get too comfortable in reveling in being the spoiled brat that I am since tomorrow I've got to channel my inner G.I. Jane and hoof it into the city by any means necessary. Suddenly turning down a charity bone to that clod in human resources is looking like a really bad idea. I could've had some vacation days be magically accrued at the last minute...you know, kind of like the MTA's billion dollar surplus they've been moving around like Colombian drug weight. Or if I had bothered to learn how to drive, oh about a decade ago as kids in the boonies do, I could've put my hustle tactics to good use running a gypsy van route up to MetroTech.

Labels: New York City, transit strike

- El Comandante commented at 12/21/2005 02:23:00 PM~
Two Words: Command Bus
Believe it or not they're still running. You might have to get up dumb early but for 4 bucks you can't go wrong!- ghettogeisha commented at 12/21/2005 05:37:00 PM~
I'm lucky (stress lucky) that I live within walking distance of a metro north station. I have no sympathy for the TWU (esp. Roger Toussaint- I saw his press conference this afternoon, he wants to make Mayor Bloomberg the scapegoat for this. PUHLEZE!) nor do I have any sympathy for the MTA. I believe both sides need to put their obvious egos aside and come back to the table.
- TriniPrincess commented at 12/22/2005 02:00:00 AM~
I had the Command Bus alternative on the brain from the time I was getting dressed. But you know what the backup for the BM2 was? Two and a half fucking hours alone. Couldn't swing the wait. Good thing dudes up by Smith St. had the vans ready to cake it out on the $3 route.
Believe me it runs a LOT deeper than what the mayor, media and governor portray to the public. I'm frustrated with the TWU too because they've got the city by the balls at the worst possible time, but the MTA have been cooking the books for YEARS. Forever crying poor, yet they've got a near billion dollar surplus and raising the rates. They need to pay the workers and cut the nonsense already.
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