Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Like sands through the hourglass...

I know.
Don't even fix your lips to mouth what I already sense is coming like the calm before the storm. I've made the mental notes to myself ad nauseum and every time I try to set aside the time to sit and focus on picking up where I left off here, I'd be pulled in another direction. It was high on my list for the new year to maintain some semblance of keeping current here, but shit happens. In this case, I got promoted (hold the applause, folks...the salary bump is slimmer than Nicole Richie's waistline), and now my workload's exploded and I'm chained to my desk at ungodly hours with only the comfort of java beans to keep me going like the Energizer Bunny. Anything that cuts into my commitment to being an underachieving slacker on company time makes me one unhappy camper. It's refrickindiculous.
But on the upside, I haven't fallen down the rabbit shoot completely...I'm still grindin' and trying to plant my feet on steady ground. So bear with my inconsistencies, people.
In any case, you know the drill...and I haven't been kidnapped, so get at me!

- Michael commented at 1/16/2006 04:56:00 PM~
Well I guess I'll call off the search party, though I'll keep everyone on speed-dial with your track record. So good to see new entries, Trini. You know you're my muse.
- Fresh commented at 1/17/2006 01:44:00 AM~
considering the fact that you time to explain this unexplained absence, I'll let you off the hook...but damn, I have to pace myself reading the 5 million posts you do at one time. sigh.
- princessdominique commented at 1/18/2006 04:19:00 PM~
You've got sooooo much good stuff on here I don't know what to comment on first. I did see this photo. Was going to use it for a post for 2006. I love your 2005 lists though. I may have to bribe the judge and send you a copy of my novel for 2006! Happy New Year Trini...
- Jbrit commented at 1/21/2006 11:08:00 AM~
Congrats, Trini, on your promotion! Now all you have to do is keep us entertained with your blog. I was really missing new entries.
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