Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Crazy or not, here she comes

The fact remains that Lauryn Hill is still that bitch. Ms. Temperamental has had a tough time getting her house in order, but here's hoping that the stars are aligned for the creative cylinders to click once more. I've had my fill of all the crunkafied shit you could fit in a Cadillac trunk and I'm jonesing for some vintage soul searching L-Boogie. Come on home, Lauryn... take off the Lollipop Guild wig and look into the light. We need you more than ever.

- Fresh commented at 1/17/2006 07:44:00 AM~
She looks gorgeous...our glamour girl is back.It never ceases to amaze me what a little waxing and tweezing can do.
- commented at 1/18/2006 12:42:00 PM~
welcome back...and kudos to the Best Books of 2005! I have yet to read some of the titles, but I will. I also enjoyed The Known World by Edward P. Jones.
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