Sunday, January 01, 2006
Giving it the best that I've got

- Utilizing the power of downgrading my yes's and upgrading my no's frequently. I'm not Superwoman and I can't be all things to all people all the time. The phrase, "don't worry about it, I got this" has been in my vocab for far too long.
- Defy the inheritance of CPT genes and make it into work on time with more regularity than Metamucil.
- Take control of my checkbook and consolidate my fiscal irresponsibility into a budget I can honestly live with.
- Detox from public transportation on weekends by making the NYS driver's manual as essential to my reading as this month's W.
- Drink more water because the guy on the Aquafina commercial said so.
- Reacquaint myself with the hell that is working out on a regular basis.
- Quit procrastinating on what could be and get off my ass to make it happen.
- Reconnect with old friends instead of leaving the good ones adrift on the isle of "God, I haven't spoken to ______ in so long..."
- Usher in the latter half of my 20's with the resolve to get my groove back and get my groove on without hesitation or regrets. Who said good girls have more fun?
- Make it through this year without buying yet another pair of heels from Bergdorf's that I'll need to conveniently block out a scheduled bill to afford.
- Stop dropping f-bombs to unsuspecting Cingular reps after being on hold for longer than 10 minutes.
- Live in the now instead of always waiting on the other shoe to drop.
- See that the silent prayer of our troops returning to home soil come to fruition in a complete withdrawal from Iraq.
- Become active again with MoveOn networking in time for this fall's elections at grassroots levels locally to get young people engaged and out at the polls.
- And last but not least - blog more. My counter's been stuck for longer than UPN's been Nielsen cellar dwellers when it comes to network ratings. The reason? I only bother to hit the publish button once or twice every fortnight (if so often), and while I'm a firm believer of what you see is what you get, it would be nice to maintain a somewhat steady presence. So, I know my tendencies to get wrapped up in 5 different things at once causes me to be neglectful of updates consistently, but I know this too, alright? Give a girl a break....I'm workin' on it. ;-)
link | Shot from the lip by TriniPrincess at 6:29 PM |

- Fresh commented at 1/17/2006 07:18:00 AM~
Um hmmmm :-)
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