Wednesday, October 12, 2005
She's gotta have it

The video iPod, unveiled today by CEO Steve Jobs at the headquarters in San Francisco as the newest addition to the stable of mp3 players that's revolutionized pop culture. The underground buzz was building this week for the pending announcement with good reason.
Sleek, multifaceted, compact. Just how I like my accessories. Now not only can you still store music and photos with a nifty color videos and network TV episode availability of shows like Lost and Desperate Housewives for a mere buck ninety-nine the day after it airs?! Ay dios mio, I haven't been this excited since the 6 season DVD boxset reissuance of Sex and the City. You just know self styled "G-Unit soljahs" huggin' a block near you will make sure that someone's gonna die over this of 5.5 oz. of hotness.
If those status-defining white headphone buds still spur longing stares of envy on public transportation from the project chicks lagging behind on the Discman express or even worse... with cassette Walkmans (egads!), can you imagine the whiplash I'm gonna cause when I whip this out the LV casing to switch playlists? Yes dahlinks, I'm just snooty like that.
Gadget geeks, start your pre-orders.

- Fresh commented at 10/13/2005 11:15:00 AM~
I saw that yesterday and I turned up my nose like...what do you need to watch music videos on your iPod for? Psht. Then they said you can watch TV shows and I was put in a different frame of mind....hmmmmm I was going to blog on it but since you've done such a great job of it I will save the keystrokes for another topic. :-)
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