Just Another Girl On The IRT

Freestyle musings from a pseudo-intellectual hellcat in high heels with Huxtable aspirations in a ghetto fab world. Proudly sponsored by bouts of bitchy mood swings, one too many swigs of Turning Leaf, the letters F & U and the madness that is the Rotten Apple.

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Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Work in progress. Neurotic. Daydream believer. Bookworm. Addicted to the arts. Stubborn. Spoiled rotten. Lefty in more ways than one. Pop culture whore. Equal opportunity hater. Kid at heart.

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Friday, August 01, 2008

The great depression

There's a tipping point in every one's life where it's a struggle to laugh to keep from crying. Not necessarily a moment of clarity or some great epiphany, but just that winking reminder God's fucking with you and there's no recourse. I think I just hit mine at approximately 1:19 this afternoon. Sitting on Mott Street with a plate of crab and pork dumplings polished off, I ended my meal with a fortune cookie that had no fortune. Like it was necessary for a cookie to point out the obvious. Talk about the universe nailing a moment in schadenfreude. 100 days and counting to refinance my mortgage before the rate triples. Frustration with fruitless pavement poundings to find a full time gig that pays worth a damn. I used to wonder if those radio commercials with Lucinda Bassett weren't just an exercise in melodrama, but now I feel like I want to curl up in a ball on my sofa night and day too. Le sigh.

Anyhow, I'm gonna let my navel-gazing meter park right here. It's been almost a full 4 months since my last post and as usual, that's terrible. But hey, shit happens. And besides, I don't think entries bemoaning my broken air conditioner and using crinkled church fans to compensate really qualifies as intriguing reading. So, much to catalog in my latest absence. Much to vent about the circus atmosphere that is the general election now underway, the Summer Olympics right around the corner and the usual mishegoss that constitutes my life on the D-list.

link | Shot from the lip by TriniPrincess at 9:00 PM |

Anonymous Anonymous commented at 8/02/2008 12:39:00 AM~  

Glad you're back -- again. Oooh, redesign. Nice.

Blogger TriniPrincess commented at 8/02/2008 12:04:00 PM~  

Long time no type ;-)

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