Just Another Girl On The IRT

Freestyle musings from a pseudo-intellectual hellcat in high heels with Huxtable aspirations in a ghetto fab world. Proudly sponsored by bouts of bitchy mood swings, one too many swigs of Turning Leaf, the letters F & U and the madness that is the Rotten Apple.

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Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

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Monday, January 28, 2008

The revolution won't be microwaved

"The restoration of the Clintons to the White House would trigger a new wave of all-out political warfare. That is not all Bill and Hillary's fault - but it exists, whomever you blame, and cannot be ignored. Hillary Clinton doesn't pretend that it won't happen - she simply vows to persevere, in the hope that her side can win. Indeed, the Clinton's joint career in public life seems oriented toward securing victory and personal vindication." - The State, January 22, 2008
It's a testament of how the utter disaster that is the Bush administration can make me lose sight of why the second-term incarnation of the Hil & Bill show left such a bitter taste in my mouth. They alternate between prickly and sleazy while spreading cherry picked disinformation about their opponents as the gospel. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the Clinton Machine will steamroll right over anybody in their way toward the Oval Office, and they're demonstrating that in spades. Innuendo, character assassination on the flimsiest if not false premises, miscasting words and ideas and actions, the whole nine yards.

But in spite of the smears and all out machinations of the status quo, this fresh faced challenger rose to the occasion and thrived on it. I was seriously worried as to whether Barack Obama could withstand the tag team of ambition and desperation simultaneously, but now I see that one needn't mistake kindness for weakness. He's ready.

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link | Shot from the lip by TriniPrincess at 10:37 AM |


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