Thursday, February 14, 2008
Moody's mood for love

So rather than pity the lucky lasses who'll be getting crimson bouquets courtesy of FTD and their spines realigned after dark (no, I'm really not bitter. Don't believe me? Okay, maybe just a smidge), I'm in a sentimental state of mind to give props to those couples from then to now who still give me a reason to believe in the power of the L-word.

Will and Jada.
Denzel and Pauletta.
Forest and Keisha.
Nicole and Boris.
Grant and Tamia.
Angela and Courtney.
Bill and Camille.
Ruby and Ossie.
Betty and Malcolm.
Coretta and Martin.
Barack and Michelle.
Labels: love, relationships, Valentine's Day

- Michael commented at 2/15/2008 12:39:00 PM~
Will you be my belated Valentine?
- TriniPrincess commented at 2/17/2008 02:54:00 AM~
You don't even need to ask, hon. We can split the chocolate hearts. ;-)
- Unknown commented at 3/12/2008 09:40:00 PM~
Wow, Sis! I am so glad you are back!
Well, you've apparently been back for awhile, but I'm just catching up.
Looking forward to reading your thoughts again.
Peace & Love,
Ms. Aja B. (aka BronxPearl)
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