Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Guess who isn't coming back to dinner
You can read the transcript of the verbal lashing in full here, however, since this has me giddier than Al Reynolds on a Fire Island field trip, c'mon and get click happy with a clip of the hijinks below. Mazel tov!
Labels: George W. Bush, Stephen Colbert

- jaedalaurez commented at 5/03/2006 03:38:00 PM~
that was f****in awesome! I wish more comedians were that fearless, they're the only people who have license to tell the truth.
- TriniPrincess commented at 5/05/2006 12:19:00 PM~
I'm with you, jaeda. Colbert had me smiling like Big Mama at her grandbabies. I hope this is the beginning of more artists getting their spine back.
- commented at 2/05/2007 07:39:00 AM~
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