Friday, November 11, 2005
Talk-a-little, pick-a-little
In a show that aired on Monday, the former supermodel got a taste of what it's like on the heavier side of the spectrum as part of an undercover project which disguised her in a 350-lb. fat suit. There's nothing more comforting than making the obese feel worse by having a shapely star of Victoria's Secret go out and pretend to be fat for 1 day, only to thank her lucky stars once the cameras were off for being aesthetically blessed.
"I started walking down the street and within 10 seconds, a trio of people looked at me, snickered, looked me right in my eye and started pointing and laughing in my face," the talk-show host said. "And I had no idea it was that blatant."You heard it here first. The overweight are specifically targeted to be made fun of... film at 11.

Most incredulous amid the whole "he said/she said" soapdish is just how many warning signs this broad clearly bypassed before the friend of Dorothy came clean about his man-loving tendencies 3 years into the union. Among the instances that had Queer As Folk written in neon lettering:
• the fact he approached her for collateral to open a dog grooming shop
• finding gay porn DVD's in his car and while trying to believe the excuse he was sending them back home to a friend in Jamaica with a straight face
• discovering his profile posted on a gay website

Labels: Beyonce, Oprah Winfrey, Terry McMillan, TV, Tyra Banks

- Butta commented at 11/15/2005 07:11:00 PM~
Girl, have I told you how much I love your writing yet this week? If not, I'm telling you now.
I missed Tyra's walk on the fat side but I caught both Oprah spectacles. You said old boy had DSL's! Truer words have never been spoken. And Bouncy's clothing line looked straight out of Rave. Her winter line will be on clearance in Marshalls, Ross and TJ Maxx before you know it.- Elle B. commented at 11/15/2005 08:41:00 PM~
Why do they continue to let her mom make clothes...I guess Beyonce figures it's the only way to pay her mom back for birthing her...but really, must we all be subjected to it?
I found myself thinking the entire Terry McMillan episode, "How did you not know?" I mean when they played clips of the wedding ceremony, I could tell his arms were flinging a bit too much at his sides. Although I was dying of laughter for all of her facial expressions and when Jonathan told the story of how she said she wanted to throw the lamp at him....
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